Friday, 12 February 2010

Another Short Storey

The Big Fight
Once upon a time there was a boy called Spaniel who lived on a farm with his Mum and Dad and his little Sister called Lemony-Snickets. One day Spaniel got out of bed and
Yawned “I wonder what Mum has got for breakfast”. When Spaniel got down the stairs
He saw out of the window there was the ninja
Chickens punching their punch bags and lifting weights and on a treadmill “why are they training now it is only 6:30”said Spaniel.

As he got on his boots to go outside Spaniel shouted to the ninja chickens “oh you lot can you tell me why you are training now”
“No” said Lewi
“Its top secret ninja business if I told you I would have to kill you, any way you will find out when it’s to late” said Lewi with a sinister snigger. He sniggered so much he fell over on the treadmill which was still going and it catapulted him with a big splat into Hew and Dewi.

Spaniel then walked back inside the house to eat his breakfast.

“Hi Mum, what’s for breakfast?” said Spaniel, “coco pops with a side order of cat crunchies” laughed dad. “Very good” said Spaniel “I’ll have sugar puffs please”, “ok” said mum.

Meanwhile Hoover who had just woken up from one of the deepest sleeps he had ever had. He rolled over on the bed and fell out with a loud BANG and yelped “mew mew mew meow” which roughly translated into “blimey who moved the bed? whats this floor doing hear?” he then decided to go down stairs to see his chum Spaniel. Besides he could smell dad kippers being cooked. And if there is one thing that Hoover likes more than sleep its kippers.

Meanwhile Spaniel had just finished his bowl of sugar puffs “can I go and see what the ninja chickens are up to please” begged Spaniel “ok then“said Mum.

As Spaniel got on his boots on he was thinking how he could get the ninja chickens back for not telling him what they were doing.
“I know what I can do” said Spaniel and as he got to a pile of rotten tomatoes than he got them and hid behind a big rock and started to throw rotten tomatoes at the ninja chickens.

KAPOW the first tomato splattered Hewi squarely on the end of his beak, Hewi didn’t see the tomato coming and let out a very large SQWARK and went chicken oriental, running around squawking and clucking shouting “quick it’s the end of the world I’ve been hit by a flying killer tomato”. Lewi and Dewi just fell about laughing and pointing at Hewi who still had parts of the tomato dripping off the end of his beak. Hewi was not happy, Lewi and Dewi were still rolling about on the floor in fits of laughter when KERPOOW two tomatoes were thrown in quick succession, hitting Lewi on the side of his head, and Dewi on the back of his head, so hard that he fell forward into the ground, where his beak got stuck. Both Lewi and Hewi where running around like headless chickens squawking “the end of the chicken world is here, every chicken for himself run run” as they sprinted towards the chicken coup.

Meanwhile Dewi who still had his beak firmly stuck in the ground was squawking muffled squawks to his long gone chums to help him. Spaniel saw this as a great opportunity, and threw the stinkiest fattest tomato he could find, then taking aim he threw it at Dewi hitting him right on his bottom SPLAT, with such force he then rolled forward un-plugging his beak from the ground. Spaniel was rolling around in agony with laughter, Dewi just stood there looking at Spaniel. Dewi was getting madder and madder until steam came out of his ears and nostrils. Spaniel didn’t notice this as he was to busy laughing.

Dewi ran into the coup to get his chums shouting “quick lets get that pesky kid” its not the end of the world its just Spaniel throwing tomato’s at us lets get him.

All three chickens shouted “lets ninjalize him” Dewi then pressed the big red button in the coup, Hewi and Lewi shouted “NO NOT THE BIG RED BUTTON” but it was too late.

The ground began to tremble and there was a loud rumbling noise as the floor to the coup began to open up to expose a secrete gun room below. With a very sinister and evil chuckle Dewi said choose your weapons carefully were going into battle.

“I will pick the nut-a-poult” said Lewi
“I am going to have the tomato gun” said Dewi with a grin on his face “I am definitely going to pick a box of poo grenades and nutzuka”
The three amigos walked out of the coup to fight their evil nemesis Spaniel.

Spaniel had just finished laughing when he spotted the three chickens walking towards him. They then stopped and stared at each other, the chickens saying with a menacing tone, were packing enough firepower to blast you to your bedroom and back.

“But I don’t have a” POW the nutzuka hit Spaniel and he flew in to the tomato patch and landed on his bum. Spaniel in a daze looked around and grabbed a handful of tomatoes and threw them in quick succession at the three chickens hitting all three off their feet.

The three chickens jumped up shouting “BANZI ATTACK ATTACK” Dewi picked up a poo grenade and threw it at Spaniel, but he forgot to take the pin out, Spaniel quickly caught it and pulled the pin out and tossed it back at Dewi where it landed in the box of poo grenades, Dewi looked down at the box of grenades and wondered which one didn’t have a pin in it? but it was to late with a big KABOOOOOOOOOOM the whole box of poo grenades blew up. There was pooh everywhere and every one was covered from both head to foot and beak to claw, IT STANK AND SO DID THEY.

“Right” said Spaniel “prepare for your fate you ninja chickens”shoutd Spaniel as he found some tomato’s and stared to thro them at Hewi Lewi and Dewi and they stared to fire there nut-a-poult
And the tomato gun at Spaniel. Meanwhile dad and Hoover were sitting on the settee having a nap then a bid red tomato hit the window and woke dad up in fright then he went out side to see what was going on then he opened the door a SPLAT dad got hit by a nut and ran over to Spaniel and said “what is going on Spaniel” whissped dad “as I keep telling you they are ninja chickens” replied Spaniel

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Pete,

    Cute story, but does need a bit of work. I will be giving a free 4 week beginners writing course in March or April. The date and details will be in my free monthly newsletter.

    If you'd be interested sign up for the newsletter at Karen and Robyn Writing for Children.

    Karen Cioffi
